
Cloud + Network

Cloud + Network
Solution “one-stop solution” for universities and their off-shore students studying remotely from China, India, and other locations worldwide Contact Us

Cloud + Network

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we provide a “one-stop solution” for universities and their off-shore students studying remotely from China, India, and other locations worldwide. The solution uses AWS China and AWS Global regions products and services, dedicated leased line service and VPN products. Based on results from universities’ that are currently using the solution, the most noticeable benefit is the improved international connection speed, the consistency of the connectivity, and access to overseas sites with pedagogical or administrative value (after whitelisted) that are previously inaccessible from China.

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A unique delivery model that enables flexible, on-demand, utilization of AWS experts at a fraction of the cost of traditional professional services.

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We help you to develop and modernize your applications on the cloud, so you lead your industry with the innovative approach.